August 24: Job 12 – 15; Psalm 39; Proverbs 21:30-31; 1 Corinthians 15:29-58


            Job: Job answers Zophar. He sarcastically tells them they are the last of the wise people but he also has wisdom. Yet he is a laughingstock because he is blameless but has been afflicted. The “wise” ones have contempt for the afflicted when they are at ease. Yet robbers are at peace.
            Even animals and plants know that God is control of everything. God alone has wisdom. No one can withstand his desire. It doesn’t matter who you are, counselor, judge, king, priest, he can over throw all and cause us to be fools. He controls what nation rises or falls.
            Job says he has seen this and he knows what his friends know. The difference between Job and them is that he wants to argue his case with God while they just want to expound their knowledge. It would be better that they shut up. They can’t speak for God. If they do, God will rebuke and terrify them.
            Job says he risks his life to speak with God, but even if God kills him, God is his salvation. He has determined what he would say to God. He would ask that God would spare him and not terrify him. Then he would ask what his sins were. He would acknowledge that God is in control of his life.
            He would ask God to look away and let him have a joyful day because he knows that mankind is not clean and no one born can be clean. God controls their destiny and how long they live. A tree can grow again if it is cut down but once a person dies he will not live again until the end comes. So, if he were God, he would not abandon those he has made, he would answer when they call, he would not keep track of sins. He would finish by telling God that he destroys the hope of man like a mountain that crumbles when he dies. Man doesn’t know what happens after him.
            Eliphaz answers. He accuses Job of talking too much and taking away the fear of God. What he says comes from his sin. What he says condemns him and he knows nothing more than they do. He says Job’s heart has turned him against God. He reminds him that man can’t be pure before God even less one who is sinful. Eliphaz says he will tell Job about the wicked and explains how they have problems because they have defied God. They should not trust in themselves. They do nothing but work evil.
            Psalm: David appears to be trying to keep from sinning by not talking much. However, he has to let it out. It then appears that he has been silent until he talked to the Lord as he asks the Lord to show him just how brief our lives are. He then asks God to deliver him from his sins. He then blames God for causing his own time of silence; it is a form of disciple. He then pleads for relief and asks that God look away so he can rejoice.
            Proverbs: It doesn’t matter how wise, smart, or resourceful you are, if you plan something against the Lord, it will not succeed. You can also make plans for battle but who wins is up to the Lord.
            1 Corinthians: Why do some people get baptized for dead people if there I no resurrection? Why did Paul suffer many things if there is no resurrection? If there is no resurrection then we might as well party until we die. But don’t do that because that is what some of the Corinthians are doing and it is corrupting them.
            Paul explains that when we are resurrected, we will have different bodies than the ones we have now. Just like a seed that is planted looks completely different when it sprouts and grows into a plant, so will our resurrected bodies be significantly different from our current bodies. There are all kinds of bodies, human, bird, fish, astronomical bodies, and they all differ.
            It is the same with resurrected bodies. Our current bodies are perishable but when resurrected they will be immortal and spiritual. The natural body comes first, like Adam and the spiritual comes next, like Jesus. The first from dust and the second from heaven. We have Adam’s image but will have Jesus’ image.
            Flesh and blood can’t inherit God’s kingdom because we are perishable. Not everyone will die but some will be changed in an instant when the last trumpet is sounded. The dead will be raised imperishable and we who are still alive will be change to imperishable also. Then death will have been defeated and there will be no more sin. God gives us the victory through Jesus so we must be steadfast and keep on doing the Lord’s work as it is not in vain.

What Stood Out

            Job: “Will you speak falsely for God and speak deceitfully for him?” (Job 13:7).   
            Psalm: “Look away from me, that I may smile again, before I depart and am no more” (Ps 39:13)!
            Proverbs: “No wisdom, no understanding, no counsel can avail against the Lord” (Prov 21:30).
            1 Corinthians: “It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. If there is a natural body, there is also a spiritual body” (1 Cor 15:44).


            Job: Job accuses his friends of speaking for God and Eliphaz accuses Job of removing the fear of God (Job 15:4). I think we all do these things to some degree or another. Whether there is a disaster or we see someone who is engaged in sin, we will say what we think God has to say about that. Sometimes we may be right. We know from the Bible many of his thoughts in general and what he has said in specific situations. However, we should be careful about speaking for him. We could become lousy counselors like Job’s friends.
            On the other hand, Job really would like to have his fear of God removed. He wants to be able to call God “Abba Father,” which is exactly what we are able to do when we have the Holy Spirit living in us. Since Job lived well before the Holy Spirit was given, what he desired we have. Yet, there is also a danger that we become too comfortable with God. He may be our Abba Father, but he is still God Almighty who judges all mankind and he judges our attitude and behavior as well. We should have a healthy fear of God but not one that prevents us from seeking comfort from him in out troubles.
            Psalm: David echoes some of the same feelings as Job when he asks the Lord to look away so that he can smile again before he dies. I’ll admit that I’ve never experienced a depression of this depth. It is beyond my understanding. The only thing I can say about this is that we have better information about God and our relation to him through Jesus Christ than they did. That helps, but I know that even well-grounded Christians can feel this way.
            Proverbs: I don’t know anyone who has planned something against the Lord. When I sin, I don’t sit down and think about how I can outwit the Lord to get away with my sin. But when I sin, that is essentially what I’m doing. Anything I do that is not for God’s glory is therefore against his glory. If it is against his glory then it is sin and that means I’m doing something to diminish his glory. Taking away from God’s glory or robbing of his glory is against him. It will never succeed.
            1 Corinthians: Many Christians wonder what will happen to us immediately after death. They look at this passage and understand what will happen when Jesus returns. We will all have an immortal body that will never die again. That is quite clear. However, what isn’t clear is what will happen to us in between death and the resurrection. Will we have bodies in this intermediate state? Will we be conscious? Paul talks of those who are asleep and it has led people to believe we are in a state of unconsciousness until Jesus comes back.
            I’ve studied this quite thoroughly and can tell you that the Bible does teach that immediately after death we will have some kind of body, but it won’t be the same as the immortal body we receive at the resurrection. Paul says there are all kinds of bodies and our new body will be spiritual as well as immortal. I don’t know exactly how it works, but when we die, we will put on a new body because Paul says we will not be unclothed when we die and go to be with Jesus (2 Cor 5:1-5). The point of all this is so that we don’t lose hope now and we keep on doing the Lord’s work.


             I really want to speak correctly about what the Bible says. I don’t presume to speak for God, but when I read the Bible and write about it, I will understand the Lord much better. I hope to encourage others to do the same and know our Lord better as well.


            Job: Job answers Zophar. He sarcastically tells them they are the last of the wise people but he also has wisdom. Yet he is a laughingstock because he is blameless but has been afflicted. The “wise” ones have contempt for the afflicted when they are at ease. Yet robbers are at peace.
            Even animals and plants know that God is control of everything. God alone has wisdom. No one can withstand his desire. It doesn’t matter who you are, counselor, judge, king, priest, he can over throw all and cause us to be fools. He controls what nation rises or falls.
            Job says he has seen this and he knows what his friends know. The difference between Job and them is that he wants to argue his case with God while they just want to expound their knowledge. It would be better that they shut up. They can’t speak for God. If they do, God will rebuke and terrify them.
            Job says he risks his life to speak with God, but even if God kills him, God is his salvation. He has determined what he would say to God. He would ask that God would spare him and not terrify him. Then he would ask what his sins were. He would acknowledge that God is in control of his life.
            He would ask God to look away and let him have a joyful day because he knows that mankind is not clean and no one born can be clean. God controls their destiny and how long they live. A tree can grow again if it is cut down but once a person dies he will not live again until the end comes. So, if he were God, he would not abandon those he has made, he would answer when they call, he would not keep track of sins. He would finish by telling God that he destroys the hope of man like a mountain that crumbles when he dies. Man doesn’t know what happens after him.
            Eliphaz answers. He accuses Job of talking too much and taking away the fear of God. What he says comes from his sin. What he says condemns him and he knows nothing more than they do. He says Job’s heart has turned him against God. He reminds him that man can’t be pure before God even less one who is sinful. Eliphaz says he will tell Job about the wicked and explains how they have problems because they have defied God. They should not trust in themselves. They do nothing but work evil.
            Psalm: David appears to be trying to keep from sinning by not talking much. However, he has to let it out. It then appears that he has been silent until he talked to the Lord as he asks the Lord to show him just how brief our lives are. He then asks God to deliver him from his sins. He then blames God for causing his own time of silence; it is a form of disciple. He then pleads for relief and asks that God look away so he can rejoice.
            Proverbs: It doesn’t matter how wise, smart, or resourceful you are, if you plan something against the Lord, it will not succeed. You can also make plans for battle but who wins is up to the Lord.
            1 Corinthians: Why do some people get baptized for dead people if there I no resurrection? Why did Paul suffer many things if there is no resurrection? If there is no resurrection then we might as well party until we die. But don’t do that because that is what some of the Corinthians are doing and it is corrupting them.
            Paul explains that when we are resurrected, we will have different bodies than the ones we have now. Just like a seed that is planted looks completely different when it sprouts and grows into a plant, so will our resurrected bodies be significantly different from our current bodies. There are all kinds of bodies, human, bird, fish, astronomical bodies, and they all differ.
            It is the same with resurrected bodies. Our current bodies are perishable but when resurrected they will be immortal and spiritual. The natural body comes first, like Adam and the spiritual comes next, like Jesus. The first from dust and the second from heaven. We have Adam’s image but will have Jesus’ image.
            Flesh and blood can’t inherit God’s kingdom because we are perishable. Not everyone will die but some will be changed in an instant when the last trumpet is sounded. The dead will be raised imperishable and we who are still alive will be change to imperishable also. Then death will have been defeated and there will be no more sin. God gives us the victory through Jesus so we must be steadfast and keep on doing the Lord’s work as it is not in vain.

What Stood Out

            Job: “Will you speak falsely for God and speak deceitfully for him?” (Job 13:7).   
            Psalm: “Look away from me, that I may smile again, before I depart and am no more” (Ps 39:13)!
            Proverbs: “No wisdom, no understanding, no counsel can avail against the Lord” (Prov 21:30).
            1 Corinthians: “It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. If there is a natural body, there is also a spiritual body” (1 Cor 15:44).


            Job: Job accuses his friends of speaking for God and Eliphaz accuses Job of removing the fear of God (Job 15:4). I think we all do these things to some degree or another. Whether there is a disaster or we see someone who is engaged in sin, we will say what we think God has to say about that. Sometimes we may be right. We know from the Bible many of his thoughts in general and what he has said in specific situations. However, we should be careful about speaking for him. We could become lousy counselors like Job’s friends.
            On the other hand, Job really would like to have his fear of God removed. He wants to be able to call God “Abba Father,” which is exactly what we are able to do when we have the Holy Spirit living in us. Since Job lived well before the Holy Spirit was given, what he desired we have. Yet, there is also a danger that we become too comfortable with God. He may be our Abba Father, but he is still God Almighty who judges all mankind and he judges our attitude and behavior as well. We should have a healthy fear of God but not one that prevents us from seeking comfort from him in out troubles.
            Psalm: David echoes some of the same feelings as Job when he asks the Lord to look away so that he can smile again before he dies. I’ll admit that I’ve never experienced a depression of this depth. It is beyond my understanding. The only thing I can say about this is that we have better information about God and our relation to him through Jesus Christ than they did. That helps, but I know that even well-grounded Christians can feel this way.
            Proverbs: I don’t know anyone who has planned something against the Lord. When I sin, I don’t sit down and think about how I can outwit the Lord to get away with my sin. But when I sin, that is essentially what I’m doing. Anything I do that is not for God’s glory is therefore against his glory. If it is against his glory then it is sin and that means I’m doing something to diminish his glory. Taking away from God’s glory or robbing of his glory is against him. It will never succeed.
            1 Corinthians: Many Christians wonder what will happen to us immediately after death. They look at this passage and understand what will happen when Jesus returns. We will all have an immortal body that will never die again. That is quite clear. However, what isn’t clear is what will happen to us in between death and the resurrection. Will we have bodies in this intermediate state? Will we be conscious? Paul talks of those who are asleep and it has led people to believe we are in a state of unconsciousness until Jesus comes back.
            I’ve studied this quite thoroughly and can tell you that the Bible does teach that immediately after death we will have some kind of body, but it won’t be the same as the immortal body we receive at the resurrection. Paul says there are all kinds of bodies and our new body will be spiritual as well as immortal. I don’t know exactly how it works, but when we die, we will put on a new body because Paul says we will not be unclothed when we die and go to be with Jesus (2 Cor 5:1-5). The point of all this is so that we don’t lose hope now and we keep on doing the Lord’s work.


             I really want to speak correctly about what the Bible says. I don’t presume to speak for God, but when I read the Bible and write about it, I will understand the Lord much better. I hope to encourage others to do the same and know our Lord better as well.

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