God Is our Shield

Where do you turn when it feels like everything is going against you? You might turn to comfort food, drugs, people, parties, or other forms of distraction or even religion. But this is not where the Lord wants you to turn. In Psalm 3 David tells us where he turned and why. In verses 3 and 4 he tells us, "But you, O Lord, are a shield about me, my glory, and the lifter of my head. I cried aloud to the Lord, and he answered me from his holy hill."

Before you get all excited about the Lord being a shield about us to protect us and keep us safe, you must understand that this promise isn't for everyone. It is only a promise for those who have put their trust in the Lord through Jesus Christ. If you have surrendered to Jesus that he is your shield. You will be his servant and he takes care of his servants.

When you walk with the Lord daily, he will bring glory or goodness into your life. When those troubles and trial come, he will bring you through them so that you can hold your head high. You won't be ashamed of what is happening to you because you will know that even the bad stuff that is happening is to shape you into his image and bring glory to Jesus.

But if you think this is automatic then remember that David cried aloud to the Lord. He prayed and kept in communion with the Lord. Then the Lord answered. But this isn't a magic formula. If you know Jesus, then you will also accept that persecution and problems are part of this life. But he brings us through them all.

If you haven't surrendered your life to Jesus, you can call on the Lord all day long and he won't answer until you call on him in repentance of your sinful life and ask for salvation through Jesus. If you want to do that,
watch my video on Youtube, "The Gospel in 3 Minutes" It will tell you how to turn to Jesus for salvation and he will then be a shield around you.

May God Bless you!

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