Your Purpose in Life

Do you have any idea what your purpose in life is? Why are you here on this earth, in this country, at this time in history? If you don’t know, then do what King David did in Psalm 57:2

I cry out to God Most High,
to God who fulfills his purpose for me.

What is this? David is saying that his purpose is what God has in store for him. My purpose and your purpose in life is not to get what we want. It isn’t to have the ideal life. It isn’t to have all the good things in life. No, our purpose is determined by God and He will fulfil it. He will make it happen.

David knows there will be opposition in this world. Satan will try to divert us from God’s purpose. So, he adds this in Psalm 57:3.

He will send from heaven and save me;
He will put to shame him who tramples on me.
God will send out his steadfast love and his faithfulness!

God’s purpose for you and me, whom He has chosen, is to be saved. God sent Jesus from heaven to save us. Satan tries to trample us, but Jesus trampled on Satan and disarmed him when He died on the cross.

Because of God’s steadfast love and faithfulness, He has a purpose for us and that is to become more and more like Jesus as we go though this life and then be with Him forever in heaven.

Have you cried out to God Most High for salvation through Jesus Christ? If not, you can. Just follow one or more of these links. (video)

God’s most important message to us.


God’s most important message to us summed up in one verse. #wagesofsin #allhavesinned #freegift #eternallife #death #repent #trustjesus

Would you like to know God’s most important message to us? This is summed up in one verse in the Bible, Romans 6:23. Let me draw you a picture of what the verse means.

This box represents what we can find out from this verse.

We are represented by this person. Notice, we are running away from God.

The verse starts off with “The wages of sin is death.”  What does that mean?

Wages are what is owed to someone who has done some kind of work.

It is what we do so let’s put that under us.

The next word is sin. Sin is any attitude or action that is against God and misses the standard of His perfect moral purity.

We have all sinned in big or little ways, so we’ll put sin under us.

Next is death. Death represents the great separation that exists between us and God.

We’ll put death under us also.

This now represents us on one side of cliff and God on the other.

Let’s continue with the verse, “but the free gift of God”

The word but is very important. It tells us that there is a dramatic difference in this part of the verse.

We’ll put that word at the bottom of the chasm.

Now look at “free gift.” The gift is free and that means there is nothing we can do to earn it. We can only receive it.

It is a gift that comes from God.

We’ll put free gift under God and Of God under God also to make sure we remember the gift comes from God.

Now the verse continues to explain that the free gift is eternal life.

Since the gift of eternal life is from God, we’ll put it under God as well.

Now look at the difference between the two sides of chasm.

On one side we are running way from God because of our sin and eventually, we will receive the wages of our sin which is death.

On the other side is God who has a gift of eternal life. In between is that word “but.”

Now the rest of the verse reveals how we get the gift. It says, “In Christ Jesus our Lord.”

This gift of eternal life is in Christ Jesus. He is the one that gives us the gift of eternal life.

Didn’t I just say God has the gift? How is it that Jesus gives us the gift?

He is Lord. That means that Jesus is God in the flesh, and He never sinned.

That is why He and He alone could pay our debt for our sins when He died on the cross.

Now there is a way for us to receive the gift of eternal life from God.

But we must repent from our sins. That means we must turn around in our thinking and follow that path to God through Jesus Christ.

To do that we must trust in Jesus’ death for our sins and obey Him as your Lord.

If God has given you a desire to trust Jesus alone, give your life to Him, and obey Him, then

Pray with me.

Dear Jesus, I know I’m a sinner. Thank you for dying for my offenses. Forgive me. I trust in you alone to save me. Come into my life and guide me.

Read more about God’s salvation at

God’s most important message to us summed up in one verse. #wagesofsin #allhavesinned #freegift #eternallife #death #repent #trustjesus

Wages of sin, all have sinned, free gift, eternal life, death, repent, trust Jesus

Take Refuge

Where do you take refuge when everything around you seems to be going to pot? Take a lesson from King David as he turns to the only sure place of refuge in Psalm 57:1.

Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful to me,
for in you my soul takes refuge;
in the shadow of your wings I will take refuge,
till the storms of destruction pass by.

If we want to take refuge in God, the first thing we need to do is ask Him to be merciful to us. Really! Look at ourselves in contrast to the holiness and perfection of God. There isn’t a single day that we don’t need mercy because of our rebellion against him.

The next thing we need to do is to really want to take refuge in God instead of the false assurances of the things of this world. This is a soul or spiritual desire to be with God. If we are afraid of God, we won’t have this desire. Frankly, that desire to be with Him comes only from God and it starts when we are born again.

That desire isn’t just because we want to escape the trials of this life. It is something that we desire even when we are experiencing good times.

We can only take refuge in God when we trust Him with everything in our being. We must first trust Him for our eternal salvation through Jesus Christ and Him alone. Then we can trust that He has our life here on earth in His hands and that He is working everything in our lives for our eventual good.

Then it doesn’t matter if the storms of destruction are passing by because we know Him and really take refuge in Him. To be born again and trust Jesus, Watch my video on the Gospel on YouTube or read on this Gospel link.