Saul Hiding in the "Baggage"

Israel wanted and king and the Lord gave them one. When Samuel first brought up the subject with Saul, he answered in 1 Sam 9:21 “Am I not a Benjaminite, from the least of the tribes of Israel? And is not my clan the humblest of all the clans of the tribe of Benjamin? Why then have you spoken to me in this way?” (ESV) He sounds like a humble person and this is what a great leader needs to be.

When it came time to reveal his kingship, all Israel gathered together. The Lord had them cast lots until the lot came to Saul. But where was Saul? The Lord told them, in 1 Sam 10:22 “Behold, he has hidden himself among the baggage.” (ESV) Was this still humility or a character flaw, hiding for his duty?

Later when Saul disobeyed the Lord big time, Samuel said in 1 Sam 15:17 “Though you are little in your own eyes, are you not the head of the tribes of Israel?" (ESV) He wasn't humble but insecure. His insecurity led him into disobedience because he didn't trust the Lord. Finally, it led him to envy, murder, paranoia, witchcraft, and suicide.

  • Humility will seek the best for others and put them first.
  • Humility will seek to be obedient to the Lord and trust him for the outcome of all circumstances.
  • Insecurity takes matters into its own hands as Saul did in his disobedience.
  • Insecurity is ultimately the sin of faithlessness or distrust.

Like any other sin, insecurity if not confessed and repented can lead to other sins as it did with Saul.

Are you insecure because you don't trust the Lord or know Jesus is your security? Watch this video I've made

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