Listen Up!

One of the phrases I heard when I was in the Navy was, “Listen up.” When one of the superiors said this, we were careful to pay attention. The psalmist is saying, “Listen up!” in Psalm 49:1-3.

Hear this, all peoples!
Give ear, all inhabitants of the world,
both low and high,
rich and poor together!
My mouth shall speak wisdom;
the meditation of my heart shall be understanding.

What he has to say is for all people. If you know Jesus or not, you should pay attention. This word of wisdom is for weak people who are scorned by those who believe religion is a crutch. It is for people who are strong and think they need nothing from God or man. It applies to you and me whether we are rich or poor.

This Psalm is loaded with wisdom for people who are fearful, have been mistreated, trust in their wealth, or boast about their riches. It warns us that money or our status in society will not save us from hell. Everyone dies whether wise, fools, or the upper class. Fools, according to another Psalm are those who say there is no God. Fools are also those who trust in themselves or anything or anyone other than Jesus Christ for salvation. They all perish and end up in hell.

 Verse 15 says, “But God will ransom my soul from the power of Sheol, for he will receive me.” How can he be so confident? How can anyone be confident of this? If you really want to know, watch my video on the Gospel on YouTube or read on this Gospel link.

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