God’s Judgment

 Are you ready for God’s judgment? It may surprise you, but God’s judgment isn’t reserved only for evil people. Listen to Psalm 50:4-5.

He calls to the heavens above
and to the earth, that he may judge his people:
“Gather to me my faithful ones,
who made a covenant with me by sacrifice!”

You may say this is just Old Testament judgment. This doesn’t apply to Christians. Well, think again.  Are Christians not God’s people? Are not Christians His faithful ones? Listen to 2 Corinthians 5:10. “For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil.” Think of Jesus’ parables about servants who received money when their Master left for a while. When He returned some received rewards and some punishment.

Peter also warned us in 1 Peter 4:17. “For it is time for judgment to begin at the household of God; and if it begins with us, what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the gospel of God?”

Why will a Christian or a church receive a negative judgment? When Christians sin, we lose rewards that we would have received had we not succumbed to temptation. We also reap the consequences of worldly living in this lifetime. This also applies to Churches. Look at how many have disappeared when they supported immorality and heresies. The message for Christians who are messing around is to repent.

The good news is that Jesus has already taken the eternal punishment for our sins on himself when we turn to him for salvation. If you are one who has never obeyed the gospel of God, you can turn around and follow Jesus. It’s never too late. Watch my video on the Gospel on YouTube or read on this Gospel link.

Listen Up!

One of the phrases I heard when I was in the Navy was, “Listen up.” When one of the superiors said this, we were careful to pay attention. The psalmist is saying, “Listen up!” in Psalm 49:1-3.

Hear this, all peoples!
Give ear, all inhabitants of the world,
both low and high,
rich and poor together!
My mouth shall speak wisdom;
the meditation of my heart shall be understanding.

What he has to say is for all people. If you know Jesus or not, you should pay attention. This word of wisdom is for weak people who are scorned by those who believe religion is a crutch. It is for people who are strong and think they need nothing from God or man. It applies to you and me whether we are rich or poor.

This Psalm is loaded with wisdom for people who are fearful, have been mistreated, trust in their wealth, or boast about their riches. It warns us that money or our status in society will not save us from hell. Everyone dies whether wise, fools, or the upper class. Fools, according to another Psalm are those who say there is no God. Fools are also those who trust in themselves or anything or anyone other than Jesus Christ for salvation. They all perish and end up in hell.

 Verse 15 says, “But God will ransom my soul from the power of Sheol, for he will receive me.” How can he be so confident? How can anyone be confident of this? If you really want to know, watch my video on the Gospel on YouTube or read on this Gospel link.

City of God

From the time of King David, Jerusalem has been known as the City of God. This is how it was described in Psalm 48:1-3:

Great is the Lord, and most worthy of praise,
in the city of our God, his holy mountain.
It is beautiful in its loftiness,
the joy of the whole earth.
Like the utmost heights of Zaphon is Mount Zion,
the city of the Great King.
God is in her citadels;
he has shown himself to be her fortress.

The Babylonians almost destroyed it, but it was rebuilt. The Romans did the same and it has been rebuilt. Will the current Israeli and Palestinian conflicts destroy it again?

Who knows? Though many people believe that this is the last time it will be rebuilt and is fulfilling the prophecies of the Old Testament, it could be destroyed again before Jesus comes back. In fact, Revelation 11:8 calls the city Sodom and Egypt because it will become so corrupt. A tenth of the city will be destroyed in an earthquake.

But the true city of God is described in Hebrews 11:10 as the city “whose architect and builder is God.” In verse 16 it is said to be in “a better country — a heavenly one.” It also says God “has prepared a city for them.”

This is the city that is described in the Psalm, not a man made city. It is also described in Revelation 21. In verse 27, we are told “only those whose names are written in the Lamb's book of life” will be able to enter it.

Do you want to be able to enter this eternal glorious city where there will be no more pain, sorrow, death, or any evil? If so, watch my video on the Gospel YouTube or read on this Gospel link. If your name is in the Lamb’s book of life, you will overwhelmingly want to have Him as your Lord and Savior.

Who Runs the World?

Watch the news and listen to the talking heads and you begin to wonder who is running the world. When Jesus comes back, there will be no doubt about it. But are you confident that God is pulling the strings now? Who is really running the world? This Psalm may have been looking ahead or it may have been acknowledging that regardless of what politicians think, God is in control. Here is what Psalm 47:8-9 says:

God reigns over the nations;
God is seated on his holy throne.
The nobles of the nations assemble
as the people of the God of Abraham,
for the kings of the earth belong to God;
he is greatly exalted.

Paul expressed it this way in Romans 13:1, “The authorities that exist have been established by God.” This should give us great hope and confidence when we see people elected who we can’t fathom being our leaders. God is still in control. There is no reason to panic or lose hope.

Keep your eyes on Jesus. When he comes back, we will have the perfect Leader in control. But, if you don’t know Jesus, you won’t like his leadership. It is better to surrender to him now before he comes back. If you want to know why and how to surrender, watch my video on the Gospel on YouTube or read on this Gospel link.

When Saved

What happens to us at salvation? David gave us a preview in Psalm 51:10-11 Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit withi...