After Repentance

What are some important things we need to understand after we have repented from a grievous sin? David provided some insight in Psalm 51:12-13.

Restore to me the joy of your salvation,
and uphold me with a willing spirit.
Then I will teach transgressors your ways,
and sinners will return to you.

It is common for us to think that our sin has caused us to lose our salvation. This happens even though the Bible makes it clear if we are truly saved, we can’t lose our salvation. The problem is that we lose the joy we had when we were walking in harmony with the Lord. Our guilt gets in the way. Feelings overwhelm the truth. That’s why David asked the Lord to restore the joy of God’s salvation after he repented, and we should too.

Having admitted sin and repented, it then is important for us to make sure we don’t get caught in that same sin again. This is why David asked to be upheld with a willing spirit. When we ask the Holy Spirit to keep us from falling into sin, He gives us His power to sustain us. This is particularly important when we face sins that we know we are about to commit. We should immediately admit our inadequacy and ask for His help.

Then David makes sure we know that telling others how to live a better life when we are caught in the middle of our own sins seldom does any good. If sinners see us sinning in the same way they do, they aren’t particularly interested in overcoming their sins. After repenting and overcoming sin by the power of the Holy Spirit, we will be able to teach others how to overcome and return to the Lord.

The first sin any of us must master is that of unbelief. If you haven’t believed in salvation through Jesus, all of this is just nonsense, except the guilt feelings. If you want to overcome your unbelief, watch my video on the Gospel on YouTube or read on this Gospel link.

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After Repentance

What are some important things we need to understand after we have repented from a grievous sin? David provided some insight in Psalm 51:12-...