What’s in a Name?

What is so special about a name? Why do we get upset when someone mispronounces our name or spells it wrong? Our name is a representation of who we are. When bullies call us names, they are trying to demean us and make us less than who we are.

So, what about God’s name? What does it say about Him? Psalm 54:1 says, “O God, save me by your name.” Right there we should sit up and take notice. The name of God is connected to salvation. David was only thinking about being saved from his enemies. But it foreshadows more than that. But let’s look at some other verses that mention God’s name to see what else God’s name reveals.

In Exodus 3:14-15, God revels His name in two ways. First, He says He is “I Am.” Not exactly a name but it tells us that He exists only because of His own person. Not created and always exists from eternity past and to eternity in the future. No beginning or end. Then He says His name is “The LORD” a form of “I Am.”  English Bibles use LORD in all capitals, but the Hebrew is YHWH which we pronounce Yahweh. They wouldn’t pronounce it because His name is holy.

When He appeared to Moses in Exodus 34:6, He said His name twice and explained that His name reveals that He is “merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness.”

In Psalm 20:1, we learn that the name of God protects us. Psalm 79:9 connects His name to salvation and atonement for our sins. Isaiah 30:27 reveals that there is also judgment in God’s name.

Then we come to the name of God who is Jesus. Matthew 1:21 and 23 tells us that Jesus is the one who will save us from our sins and that He is also called Immanuel and that means God is with us. God put on humanity and came to bear our sins. Acts 4:12 tells us that there is salvation in no other name than Jesus.

If you think messing up your name is an insult to you, think of what an insult it is to God to use his name flippantly. Just using “OMG” without proper respect of God and all He is, is a violation of God’s third commandment.

Breaking any commandment is sin and results in condemnation for eternity because the wages of sin is death. But remember there is salvation in the name of Jesus. That means turning to Jesus for salvation will take away even the sin of abusing God’s name. If you want to know more about salvation through Jesus, watch my video on the Gospel on YouTube or read on this Gospel link.

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