Delight or Sorrows?

“As for the saints in the land, they are the excellent ones, in whom is all my delight” Psalm 16:3 Do you want to be God’s delight? 

Many times in the Bible, both delight and sorrows are contrasted. The delight is heightened by the contrast of the sorrow and the depth of the sorrow is emphasized by the delight. David does this in Psalm 16 verses 3 and 4

As for the saints in the land, they are the excellent ones, in whom is all my delight.
The sorrows of those who run after another god shall multiply;
their drink offerings of blood I will not pour out or take their names on my lips.

The saints in this psalm are not departed holy people. They are the people who come to the Lord for forgiveness as they bring their sacrifices to atone for their sins. This is a great description of people who have come to Jesus for atonement and forgiveness of their sins. The New Testament calls them and us saints.

The Lord delights in those who come to him through Jesus Christ. Jesus said he is the only way to the Father.

On the other hand, are those who run after other gods. They are the ones who are looking for any other way to the Father than through Jesus Christ. They may be looking to their own goodness, which is the god of works to get them to heaven. They may be people who are looking at real idols or any religion other than true Christianity. They may be people who think Jesus is not God in the flesh or is an angel or even those that think Jesus is the spirit brother of Satan. They may call themselves Christians but deny the Trinity. David calls their efforts to get to God, drink offerings of blood, which would be an abomination to any true saint.

The contrast of being the Lord’s delight is that these idol worshipers have their sorrows multiplied. They have sorrows in this life and especially in the afterlife. They will not be among the saints who will be with the one God; Father, Son and Holy Spirit. If you want to know Jesus, and be the Lord’s delight and not eternal sorrows of those who think there are other way to God, then watch my video on YouTube, "The Gospel" It will tell you how to repent and be saved.

May God Bless you!


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