Do you know God’s love? If you do, then why don’t you do the same thing King David did in Psalm 57:9-11.
I will praise you, O Lord, among the nations;
I will sing of you among the peoples.
For great is your love, reaching to the heavens;
your faithfulness reaches to the skies.
Be exalted, O God, above the heavens;
let your glory be over all the earth.
Think about it. If we really love the Lord, then we will praise Him among the nations. One thing about the internet is that what we post can be read, heard, or seen all around the world among all nations.
If I were to sing then it would certainly go viral and be heard among all peoples, but I want it to be about my Lord Jesus, not because people laughing at my terrible singing voice.
The reason that I will praise and sing is because of the Lord’s great love. It reaches to the heavens. It isn’t about my love for the Lord but His love for me and for you. That love is found in Jesus Christ, who loved us so much that He died on the cross to take away the sins that separate us from His Father, the Lord God Almighty.
His faithfulness reaches to the skies. What a picture of how faithful our Lord is. He is faithful to keep every one of His promises. When He promises eternal life to us through Jesus Christ, we can be sure of being with Him in heaven.
The skies have limits, so it is only appropriate to say the God is exalted beyond and above even the heavens. So, the prayer of all who are saved through the blood of Jesus is that the glory of God be over all the earth so that everyone will know He is the Lord.
If you don’t know God’s love through Jesus, then follow these links to find out how.
Tell the whole world about God’s love and faithfulness. #godslove #godsfaitfulness #eternallife #singtogod #praisegod #exaltgod #godspromise
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