January 1-2: Genesis 1 – 4 Do you believe in a six-day Creation?

Earth from Space[1]
            This is a new year and a new way of doing my blog entries. While I learned much last year, writing a significant amount for each daily Bible reading kept me from other good pursuits. This year I will attempt to do less writing, but Terri and I will still keep up the same reading plan.
            The account of creation, the fall, and the resultant sin in Adam and Eve’s children is evident in these four chapters. The Word of God is very specific about some of what has happened in these chapters, such as creation. It is less specific about the complete effects of the fall of Adam and Eve but is clarified elsewhere in the Bible.
            Creation is described with some specifics and some generalities. The Bible very clearly lets us know that it was God who created the universe and he did it in six 24-hour days. We know this because each day is described the same, “And there was evening and there was morning, [numbered] day.” Had God not stated it this way, we may have had room to interpret the meaning otherwise, but he closed the door to that, unless you simply don’t want to believe what the Lord said.
            If you don’t believe what God has said in these chapters, then you have no right to believe anything the Bible says. If you deny this or argue some other means or length of time for creation, then you are picking and choosing what you want to believe. If you believe “science” that claims everything evolved or that God used evolution over millions of years instead of what God said, then you are contradicting God and that means you are calling him a liar. When you call God a liar, you have no right to believe anything else he has said.
            Let’s face it, “science” contradicts Jesus walking on water. It contradicts his resurrection. His resurrection is proof that when we believe in Jesus, we are forgiven and will have eternal life with Jesus. How can you believe you are saved from you sins if you don’t believe what God said about creation? Disbelief regarding creation betrays the fact you don’t really all that the Bible says and the Bible is the Word of God and therefore you don’t really believe God.
            If your Christian life is not victorious over sin, if you don’t have life abundant in Jesus, then it might be that you’ve been choosing what you want to believe instead of believing what God has said. It may not be what God said about creation but it is something he has said that you don’t believe in the Bible. 


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