Satan's Fall

Let's take a look at the Bible to see what happened with Satan's fall. Remember that Revelation 20:2 equates the serpent, dragon, Satan, and Devil. So we need to see him in all these roles.

Satan has more than one fall. Understanding that may clear up the problems. The first is his fall from grace into sin. Ezek 28:11 says he was in the Garden of Eden in perfection. Then, Ezek 28:15 says, " You were blameless in your ways from the day you were created, till unrighteousness was found in you. In verses 16 and 17 the Lord says he removed him from the mountain of God. And he cast him to the ground. This whole passage is very symbolic as it is a description of the king of Tyre. That was his first fall. It was a fall into sin.

In Genesis 3:1 we find him as a serpent in the Garden of Eden so it is after his first fall. Otherwise he would not have tempted Eve.

Then In Job 1:6-8 We find him coming before the Lord and reporting to him that he has been “going to and fro on the earth, and … walking up and down on it.” So Satan has access to both heaven and earth at this point in history.

Read 2 Chron 18:16-22 and you will that evil spirits are also present in heaven during the reign of the kings of Israel. In fact, one of the evil spirits is authorized by the Lord to become a lying spirit in the false prophets to accomplish the Lord's will. They and Satan can't do anything without permission from the Lord.

Then Jesus says he saw Satan fall from heaven in Luke 10:19. This was after he sent 72 disciple out to preach, heal, and cast out demons. This is his second fall when he loses some of his power.

Where is Satan now? Ephesians 2:2 indicates he is the ruler of the kingdom of the air. He has power in this world. Ephesians 6:10-18 tells us that he is actively fighting against us. 1 Peter 5:8 says, "Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour." But we must resist him as Peter says in verse 9 and James says in James 4:7.

There is no doubt that at this time in history Satan is alive and well on planet Earth. He also has access to heaven because Revelation 12:10 tell us that he accuses us day and night before the Lord. Revelation 12:7-10 he loses his access to heaven in a battle with Michael and loyal angels. This is his third fall.

But that isn't his end. In Revelation 20:1-3 Satan is bound and thrown into a pit, not hell, and he is kept there for 1,000 years. That is his fourth fall. But, at the end of the 1,000 years, he will be release to deceive the nations.

Finally, in Revelation 20:10 the devil, that is Satan, is thrown into the lake of fire, that is hell And it says he will be there forever. That is his fifth and final fall.

Anyone who isn't a Christian, that is anyone who doesn't have the Holy Spirit living in them, is by nature following Satan according to Ephesians 2:2. watch my video on Youtube, "The Gospel in 3 Minutes" It will tell you how to know Jesus and be freed from Satan.

May God Bless you.

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