Who Made God?


No one made God. By definition, God is eternal without begging or end. If any person or force or other entity made God, then that would be God. God can't even make God because the created being would not be eternal.


The Bible is clear about this. Genesis 1:1 "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth" (ESV). This is the foundation for who God is. Before there was anything God was there.


God revealed his name, Yahweh, to Moses in Exodus 3:14, "God said to Moses, 'I am who I am'" (ESV). "I am who I am" is equivalent to saying "I exist because I exist." The Lord exists only because he is who he is. He is not dependent on anyone or anything, Instead everything is dependent on him.


Some religions claim that other gods created God. Mormonism or LDS believes that God was once a man, that man was created by his god and then made to be God. Then God creates all the people on earth and will make some of them to be gods.


The fallacy in this is that whoever made the man that became God would really be the God we should worship, not the created god. But they say even that god was a man who was made by his predecessor god. And that god was a man who was made by a god. That goes back into eternity and never stops. It is an endless regression without any true God being found.


God is also omniscient, he knows all and this is what he says about that foolishness. Isaiah 44:8 "Is there any God besides me? No, there is no other Rock; I know not one"  (NIV). Since God is omniscient he would know about other gods. If he were created by another god, he would know about that one. See, there is no other God. Not one who started a progression of gods and not one who created God.


Most people who ask this question do so to confound Christian. They are not being honest about the question. They don't really want an answer because that would mean they are accountable to God because God has made them.


I pray that if anyone who sees this and gets this far into it and doesn't believe in God, that they would recognize their sin and Are you insecure because you don't trust the Lord or know Jesus is your security? Watch this video I've made https://www.tiktok.com/@bibledevotiondaily/video/7091815127263038762?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=7235060026946127406


If it makes sense and you want to be saved from your sins, then repent, express your faith in Jesus being your God, King, Savior, Priest, Judge and your righteousness, pray the prayer at the end of the video, if you pray and mean it,

Know God created you and loves you.


May God Bless you.


Who made God is not usually an honest question. It is usually an attempt to stump Christians. This blog explains the fallacy of thinking something created God. #bibledevotion #whocreatedgod #godeternal #onlyonegod #iam #Yahweh  #mormon #LDS #repent #salvation #gospelin3minutes #jesussaves



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