You Can't Thwart God's Plans


Can you change the future? Do you think that you have control over what happens tomorrow?


Psalm 115 verses 2 and 3 says,

Why should the nations say,

“Where is their God?”

Our God is in the heavens;

he does all that he pleases.


Now, read what happens in Esther 5 verse 9 through 6 verse 11.

Haman has planned to kill all the Jews in the Persian empire.

The date is set and the king has approved.

But Haman hates one particular Jew more than all the others.

So he has a gallows built and plans to hang Mordecai the next day.


That night the king can't sleep so he has the royal archives read to him.

That should be enough to put anyone to sleep.

But he hears that Mordecai had save his life perhaps a year or so earlier.

No one had rewarded Mordecai so the king decides to do so in the morning.


The king goes to his royal chamber and asks who is waiting outside.

Yup, it is Haman waiting to ask the king to hang Mordecai.

But the king asks Haman what should be done to honor a person the king wants to honor.

Haman's big ego thinks the king is talking about him.


So Haman answers in Esther 6 verses 7 through 9

“For the man whom the king delights to honor, let royal robes be brought, which the king has worn, and the horse that the king has ridden, and on whose head a royal crown is set. And let the robes and the horse be handed over to one of the king’s most noble officials. Let them dress the man whom the king delights to honor, and let them lead him on the horse through the square of the city, proclaiming before him: ‘Thus shall it be done to the man whom the king delights to honor.’”


Then the king tells Haman to do this for Mordecai.

Haman's plans fall apart because they are not the Lord's plans.

Not only does his plans fall apart but he is soon executed.


What's the moral of the story?

Get in tune with the Lord's plans.

His plan is to save people who turn to Jesus for salvation.

If you haven't done that, you will end up like Haman.

Watch my video on Youtube, "The Gospel in 3 Minutes" It will tell you how to know Jesus for salvation.


May God Bless you.


No one can thwart God's plans. His plan is to save many people and you can find out how to be saved. #bibledevotion #Haman #Mordecai #godsplans #repent #salvation #gospelin3minutes #jesussaves

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